Sermons_love 15 Apr 2019


Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
11 Jul 2020
Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
Sermons_love · 154 Vues

David Jeremiah - What Happens with a Child when he Die?

87 Vues
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For millennia, humans have looked up into the sky and wondered what lies ahead of them in the afterlife. Our souls innately desire an answer to what is perhaps life's greatest mystery: that which awaits us when we walk through the door into the world beyond. But God doesn't conceal the details about your eternal resting place. Look in God's Word and you'll find a glimpse into heaven. Streets brighter than gold, God's radiant throne, and the eternal home of Jesus Christ. All the magnificent details are written in the pages of Scripture.

What heaven will look like, how your soul will get there, if you'll be reunited with loved ones once you arrive, and how your body will appear for eternity. That is but just a sliver of what we can know about eternity, which promises to be a place beyond your wildest dreams. All you have to do is open the Bible and you'll find that inside God is revealing the mysteries of heaven. Now, here is your host and Bible teacher, Dr. David Jeremiah.

In over 4 decades as a pastor, I have grieved with more than a few parents who have lost a precious little one in an untimely fashion. At those times, there is nothing you can do except weep with those who weep for as long as it takes. And while nothing can ever fill the void of losing a child, it is always my joy, when the time is right, to remind those parents that their arms will not remain empty forever, that they will see their little child again in heaven.

In today's message, "What About the Children"? I will explain why I believe the Bible gives comforting assurance to parents who have lost a young child. So please stay tuned for this sensitive message on today's "Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven," here on "Turning Point".


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Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
11 Jul 2020
Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
Sermons_love · 154 Vues