FullSermons 12 Apr 2019

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#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
19 Aug 2020
#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
Sermons_love · 255 Views

Joseph Prince — Live Long, Live Strong (3 of 3)


Watch FULL sermon here: https://sermons.love/joseph-pr....ince/4430-joseph-pri

Tell your children, "When you go to school, don't just see your teacher, see Jesus with you," amen? "When you feel alone, you're not alone. Who's with you? Jesus is with you," amen? Tell them to see a young Jesus, you know, it's okay. Tell the to see a young, like they are ten-years-old, see a ten-your-old Jesus as their friend. They practice his presence, he's gonna be the great friend they ever had, amen? When your teacher scolds you, see Jesus in between, amen? Something will happen, you know, and I believe that this is what our children are looking for. They're looking for superheroes that are not in existence. There is one that is, his name is Jesus, and I pray that this has blessed you.

The Bible itself says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue". We are not creators, amen, but we are seated with Christ on his throne, and there's a spiritual authority that will not be released until we speak. We've been given the power of attorney. We must exercise spiritual authority. It a traffic police at the junction try to stop the car and all that, and one car just pass by him, and another car pass by him, you don't call HQ and say, "They are passing by me, you know"? Amen, use your authority, amen. So, that's likewise we are not creators, only God is the Creator, but we are seated with Christ, and we enforce with our tongue.

Those who know how to partake, hey take the bread and says, "Why is he separated from the blood"? Because there's a purpose for the bread. His back was striped, he was scourged, why? Could have just gone straight to the cross because by his stripe, as sure as the stripe fell on Jesus's back, just as sure I'm healed. His blood was shed. All my sins are remitted from the eyes of a holy God. God doesn't see sin on me. God doesn't deal with me based on sin anymore. Does that mean I'm perfect in my behavior, I'm sinless? No, but God doesn't see it. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin, so partake of the Lord's Supper knowing this, if many sleep before their time, if you partake correctly, worthily the Bible says, many will be strong, many will be healthy, and many will live long.

Source: https://sermons.love/joseph-pr....ince/4430-joseph-pri

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#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
19 Aug 2020
#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
Sermons_love · 255 Views