FullSermons 12 Apr 2019

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#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
19 Aug 2020
#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
Sermons_love · 255 Views

Joseph Prince — Live Long, Live Strong (2 of 3)


Watch FULL sermon here: https://sermons.love/joseph-pr....ince/4430-joseph-pri

Before Adam fell, God already said, "Be fruitful and multiply," right? But it's supposed to be like a painless thing, but then women start suffered pain and all that. So, I began to see that hey, it's not about inheritance. Christ redeemed us from this. So, I started preaching this. So, I had to preach the truth because there's another generation coming. I had to preach the truth. Don't accept morning sickness just like that. Don't confess it's normal and start imparting to all the rest that's not pregnant yet and start them believing this kind of thing and expecting that.

So, I preached God's standard, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, Christ redeemed us from labor pain. You heard of supernatural conception and supernatural delivery. So I preached God's standard. So, I got, you know, some emails and all that, even letters I mean back then. So, it's like, I just preached God's standard. It's God's standard, it's God's Word. I don't preach it because somebody else has a breakthrough. It's not based on positive experience, it's not based on negative experience. It's on God's Word, so I preach God's Word, I preach God's Word, I preach God's Word, and slowly the first one broke through, then the next one broke through, and the third one broke through.

And finally people are coming to that level. Not all of us are there, but you know what? Aim for the star, you might hit the moon. Don't aim for nothing, you hit nothing, amen?

Source: https://sermons.love/joseph-pr....ince/4430-joseph-pri

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#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
19 Aug 2020
#217 Joseph Prince — See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted
Sermons_love · 255 Views