Sermons_love 10 May 2019

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There Is A Power (feat. Dante Bowe) // Rita Springer
08 Sep 2020
There Is A Power (feat. Dante Bowe) // Rita Springer
Worship Tape · 90 Views

Greg Laurie — How To Overcome The Power Of Sin


Okay we'll have moments of compromise for sure, but you don't want to be identified as a carnal Christian.

Are you a carnal Christian? Are you stuck in the same place spiritually giving into the same old sins over and over and no longer growing in your relationship with Christ? So if this is a description of you, if you feel a little bit like a big baby spiritually and you know you should know more, and be doing more, well you don't have to be that way if you don't want to be that way.

The apostle Paul was very honest when he shares about his struggles with sin in Romans 7. And just like Paul, every believer will struggle with sin at some point in their walk with Jesus. However, as pastor Greg will point out today that doesn't mean we should live as carnal Christians or as Christians who stay in the same place spiritually giving into the same sins time and time again. To tell us more, here is pastor Greg.


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There Is A Power (feat. Dante Bowe) // Rita Springer
08 Sep 2020
There Is A Power (feat. Dante Bowe) // Rita Springer
Worship Tape · 90 Views