Sermons_love 16 May 2019

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Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
11 Jul 2020
Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
Sermons_love · 154 Ansichten

David Jeremiah — The Madman, an Agent of Babylon

215 Ansichten

God rules. But at times throughout history, it may seem that God abandoned the world as maniacal dictators unleashed their terror throughout the nations, bringing death and destruction to all that stood in the way of their quest for power. Did you know that the atrocities of one diabolical ruler were prophesied some 350 years before he became king? Daniel, a Hebrew prophet, who spent most of his life in Babylonian captivity, foretold the coming of a wicked ruler who would make his appearance on the world scene and then persecute people exclusively because of their faith in God.

From the halls of Nebuchadnezzar's palace, Daniel had this vision and was sickened when he saw. The sands of Jerusalem stained with the blood of more than 40.000 Jews, killed by order of this deranged king. During his march on Jerusalem, 40.000 Jews were slain, men, women, children, babies, 40.000 more sold into slavery. He desecrated and defiled the temple, and still he was not done. He thirsted for more blood. Families, refugees, prisoners all martyred for their faith. And for a time, it must have appeared that this man ruled the world and could not be stopped. But he was. For Antiochus Epiphanes was nothing more than a Madman, an Agent of Babylon.

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Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
11 Jul 2020
Joseph Prince — Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
Sermons_love · 154 Ansichten