David Jeremiah — The Lion King (Agents of Babylon)
Full: https://sermons.love/david-jer....emiah/4521-david-jer
Have you ever felt like you were thrown to the lions for standing up for your faith in God? Seemingly, those who seek to devour and discard you to quiet your godly impact and influence on this world encircle you on every side. But being thrown to the lions for what you believe is not just some metaphor that encapsulates an uncompromising approach to today's godless world. The saying is based on an event that happened centuries ago.
Babylon has a new name, Persia, and is under new rule, the law of the Medes and Persians. And there is a new ruler in town, one who was so highly impressed with an aged Hebrew captive, Daniel, he selected him as prime minister over all the land. Daniel's loyalty to the king was undeniable. But his service to the king was not greater than his service to God. And when a royal edict went out that no one should pray to any god or man except the king for three days. What then Daniel do? He prayed... and prayed... and prayed again. By getting on his knees to pray, he took a stand. No man of God ever locked so tall. But it wasn't without consequences.
And when man thinks he can shut out and shut up the faithful of God, let him think again. Just like you and I, when we are thrown to the lions, God will shut the mouths of those who seek to devour us. It is God that can tame the most hurtful enemy in our lives, even in a Lions Den. So who was this man of persistent prayer and formidable faith? Who, even in the face of certain death, placed his life in the hands of God? Daniel, the lion king, an Agent of Babylon.
Source: https://sermons.love/david-jer....emiah/4521-david-jer