David Jeremiah — The Fingers of God
FULL: https://sermons.love/david-jer....emiah/4518-david-jer
Is the handwriting on the wall predicting the ultimate demise of the world in which we live? And if so, what is it saying about our future? To understand the purpose and power of God's prophetic messages, we must look deep into the word of God, and what better place to examine these scriptures than from within the walls of the Hall of Prophecy? Together, let us journey back to the Old Testament book of Daniel.
King Belshazzar, now the ruler of Babylon, couldn't see the warning that was apparent to others because he was engrossed in his sinful ways. A feast of excess. A feast of decadences. A feast of godlessnes. A feast of carelessness and blasphemy. The revelers at Belshazzar's banquet seem to be in good hands until the hand of God made an appearance.
Stunned and bewildered, a cry went out for the man of God to interpret the handwriting on the wall. Daniel, now in his twilight years, a man who continued to stand up for God since the days of his youth, was once again called upon to deliver an unhappy and unwelcomed message.
Now, I'm no handwriting expert, but I do know this: history is littered with the corpses of nations that would not honor God and nations today that are in the death throes as their God-given life slips away becouse of ungodliness. So what was this mysterious messenger of God to Babylon and perhaps to us today? The Fingers of God, an Agent of Babylon.
Source: https://sermons.love/david-jer....emiah/4518-david-jer