David Jeremiah — The End
FULL: https://sermons.love/david-jer....emiah/4539-david-jer
Welcome to the hall of prophecy. As we come to the close of our study of the book of Daniel, we will discover not an ending, but rather a beginning. Daniel is now in the twilight years of his life, still living in Babylon more than 70 years after being taken captive in Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar's army.
This prophet of God has experienced amazing things for one lifetime, spectacles both on earth and from heaven. He has witnessed wars, suffering, disappointment, pain, and cruelty, yet known favor, grace, and communications from on high. Daniel was a faithful servant of God in every situation and circumstance throughout his life. And God richly blessed him. Daniel, a captive in Babylon, a steadfast friend, a wise servant, an interpreter of dreams and visions. He was a trusted aide to kings, a prophet of God, a man of prayer, and a survivor. Kings and kingdoms had come and gone, yet Daniel continued. So, who was this man whose legacy inspires us still today to stand up and remain people of God even in a godless world? Daniel, God's agent in Babylon.